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This kit builds a plastic Altern Forest Treeman, ideal for giving your Gnome team vital strength and resilience. You'll find cosmetic options to mix them up, so you can feel free to hire two with no worries about them looking the same. The Treeman's features are full of character, making a fitting addition to your whimsical team of tricksters.
Gnomes frankly have a tough time winning a game of Blood Bowl – but bringing along a Treeman is a great way to close the height gap. And the strength gap. And the skill gap. These mighty arboreal players give the Gnomes half a shot against most serious teams.
This plastic model is supplied in 17 components, including a 40mm Blood Bowl Base. The rules you need to use them in your games of Blood Bowl are supplied with the miniature, and can also be found in Spike! Journal Issue 17, which is available separately.
Pick up a Goblin team for your games of Blood Bowl with this set of plastic miniatures. In it, you’ll find 12 multi-part Goblins, featuring 6 pairs of unique bodies and 7 pairs of unique heads, meaning no two Goblin teams need look alike!
There are also 6 Goblin team balls, featuring the kind of dirty tricks the Scarcrag Snivellers frown upon – 2 deflated, 2 with Goblins stuck in them and 2 stuffed with dynamite – 2 turn counters and 2 double-sided team tokens. The 54-component kit is supplied with 12 32mm Blood Bowl bases and a 1,000,000 gold piece roster, including 8 (eight!) team re-rolls and Fan Factor 4!
Rules for Goblin teams can be found in Blood Bowl Death Zone Season Two.
The Scarcrag Snivellers made a decision a long time ago to make an attempt at playing Blood Bowl without all the sneaky tricks employed by most Goblin teams. Eleven Goblins line up at the start of the match – no Trolls, no Secret Weapons – and do their very best to last at least a couple of drives before they’re stomped into the ground. Bizarrely, this doesn’t always end as badly for them as it probably should, and somehow the Scarcrag Snivellers seem to make it from season to season without being utterly wiped out…
This multipart plastic kit contains all the components you need to assemble the Greenfield Grasshuggers, a Halfling team for use in games of Blood Bowl. You'll receive 2 Catchers, 2 Hefties and 8 Hopefuls, plus a roster sheet. Supplied with a transfer sheet, 2 sausage-wielding turn markers, 3 extra “balls”, and 12 Citadel 32mm Round bases featuring holes in which to place the ball.
Rules for using Halfling teams in your games of Blood Bowl can be found in Blood Bowl – The Official Rules.
The Greenfield Grasshuggers are one of the most esteemed teams in the game. After all, who doesn't love an underdog? Formed back in 2418, these eager and earnest Halflings have had to fight twice as hard to make a name for themselves. They're full of heart, determination, and enough sausage and ale to choke a troll. They’re a joy to face off against on the pitch, not least of which because you might be able to nick one of the best mince pies you've ever had when they're not looking.
If you catch yourself thinking Blood Bowl is too easy, or you want to impress your friends with your impeccable coaching skills, there are few challenges greater than running a Halfling team. They might not be the most competitive in the game, but they're certainly one of the most fun. If you have a defiant streak, or just enjoy a fun and chaotic game, pick up a box for yourself and get ready for the good times.
This multipart plastic kit contains all the components you need to build the Bögenhafen Barons, an Imperial Nobility team for use in games of Blood Bowl. It contains 12 players:
– 4 Imperial Retainer Linemen
– 4 Bodyguards
– 2 Noble Blitzers
– 2 Imperial Throwers
You'll also find 2 turn counters, 2 coins, 4 balls, 12 32mm Round Blood Bowl bases, and a transfer sheet.
The rules to use Imperial Nobility teams in your games of Blood Bowl can be found in Blood Bowl – The Official Rules and Spike! Journal Issue 12.
In addition to being an incredibly popular pastime, beloved by an impressively broad and diverse fanbase, Blood Bowl is also a shockingly lucrative business. Imperial Nobility teams have been springing up out of the woodwork of late, the seemingly bottomless coffers of their patrons hiring top talent, providing the finest equipment and training facilities, and supporting their teams through extensive advertising campaigns. The Bögenhafen Barons are the most popular of such teams, exploding onto the scene and shaking things up.
While superficially similar to Human teams, the Imperial Nobility have a different skill set that makes them very tricky to play against. A well-coached team can keep their opponents guessing while setting up the solid Noble Blitzers to score. They look absolutely incredible whether they're winning or losing, clad in the finest equipment you're likely to see on any pitch.
The multipart kit is comprised of 64 plastic components with which you can assemble The Skull-tribe Slaughterers, a Khorne team for use in games of Blood Bowl. The team is made up of six Bloodborn Marauder Linemen, four Bloodseekers, and two Khorngor.
This box also contains two double-sided Blood Bowl coins, two turn and re-roll markers, four Blood Bowl balls, and a transfer sheet with 222 symbols and icons to customise your team with. This kit is also supplied with 12x 32mm Citadel Round Blood Bowl bases.
Rules for using Khorne teams in your games of Blood Bowl can be found in Spike! Presents: 2021 Almanac.
Khornate Blood Bowl teams often find themselves at a disadvantage in leagues due to their inability to put scoring touchdowns ahead of goring their opponents. Against all odds, the Skull-tribe Slaughterers buck this trend, believing that the higher they rank in leagues, the better calibre of skull they will be able to claim for Khorne. As a result, the Skull-tribe Slaughterers have made their extremely bloody mark in the NAF as one of the greatest teams around.
Want a team that can both mutilate your opponent with ease, and score a good touchdown? Khorne teams have plenty of brawn and just enough brain to make it happen. Marauder Linemen are hardy enough to withstand plenty of punishment and smart enough to remember to pass the ball once in a match. Those who endure the brutal training regimes of Khornate teams become Bloodseekers. Impressively violent and single-mindedly bloodthirsty, they specialise in putting the opposition out of commission while offloading any erstwhile Blood Bowl balls to the team's Khorngors – houndlike Beastmen who are utterly intent on scoring touchdowns.
This multipart plastic kit contains all the components you need to assemble the Gwaka'moli Crater Gators, a Lizardmen team for use in games of Blood Bowl, containing 6 Saurus Blockers, 4 Skink Runners, and 2 Chameleon Skinks, plus a roster sheet.
Also includes a transfer sheet, 2 Slann-statue turn markers, egg-themed balls, and 12x 32mm Citadel Round Blood Bowl bases which feature holes to place the ball.
Rules for using Lizardmen teams in your games of Blood Bowl can be found in Blood Bowl – The Official Rules.
If rumours are to be believed, the origins of Blood Bowl lay in Lustria, home of the ancient and powerful Slann, and their Lizardmen servants, at the very dawn of time. Though the game has moved on and evolved in the Old World, the Lustrian League is working with the NAF to bring the old and new closer together. The Gwaka'moli Crater Gators have made the leap across the world-pond to match their skills against some of the biggest names in the sport, and their natural talent and unconventional playing style have proven to be a massive hit with fans.
If you're looking for a funky and fresh new twist to the game, Lizardmen teams are where it's at. They have access to the best of both worlds, with players that are strong and tough, plus fast and agile ones. Once you get the hang of using your Saurus Blockers (not to mention Kroxigors if you really want to make an impact) to protect the nimble Skinks long enough to perform some slick plays, you'll find yourself scoring again and again. Add their unconventional aesthetic to the mix, and you've got a team that looks great, plays well and scores big.
This multipart plastic kit contains all the components you'll need to build the Wolfenburg Crypt-Stealers, a Necromantic Horror team for use in games of Blood Bowl. It contains 14 players:
– 6 Zombie Linemen
– 2 Ghoul Runners
– 2 Wraiths
– 2 Werewolves
– 2 Flesh Golems
You'll also find 2 turn counters, 2 coins, 4 spooky balls, 14 32mm Citadel Round Blood Bowl bases, and a transfer sheet.
Rules for using Necromantic Horror teams in your games of Blood Bowl can be found in Blood Bowl – The Official Rules.
Blood Bowl is a gloriously violent game, but the best players don't let anything as pedestrian as death keep them down. The Necromancers of Sylvania discovered some time ago that their magical talents made for a viable career as a coach. They soon began making dark pacts with Ghouls, Wraiths, and even Werewolves – or simply stitching together Flesh Golems from the beefiest body parts they could scare up.
Slow but durable Zombies flesh out your lineup. Combined with a variety of specialised players to choose from, a savvy Necromancer can tailor the team to a variety of play styles. Ghouls and Werewolves bring speed, Wraiths are slippery, and Flesh Golems are strong and tough. And as the dead don't rest easy, they'll always be up for more, win or lose.
The multi-part kit is comprised of 120 plastic components with which you can assemble the Norsca Rampagers, a Norse team for use in games of Blood Bowl. The team is made up of 6 Norse Raider Linemen, 2 Beer Boar, 2 Norse Berserkers, 2 Ulfwereners and 2 Valkyries.
In addition, there are 2 double-sided Blood Bowl coins, 2 turn and re-roll markers, 4 balls, and a transfer sheet with 292 decals.
The rules for using Norse teams in your games of Blood Bowl can be found in Spike! Journal 14.
Norse teams enjoy nothing more than a good scrap – and that’s certainly how they perform best on the pitch! Norscans have spent their entire lives in the harsh, freezing north, making them quite a tough bunch. These hardened players excel in getting up close and personal with the opposition, throwing blocks left and right as they mercilessly hammer their way to the end zone – and no doubt the tavern that lies beyond!
Of course, it’s not only about causing a punch-up in the middle of the gridiron; there is also the small matter of scoring those all-important touchdowns. Norse teams work best when they can use their abundance of hitting power to punch a hole in the opposition’s defence, allowing their Valkyries to use their impressive speed to run through and claim victory.
This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble Nurgle’s Rotters, a particularly foul and dripsome Nurgle team for use in games of Blood Bowl. Appropriately putrid and ‘orrible, each player is mutated and pus-covered with exposed guts, claws and warts featuring heavily. The team consists of 4 Bloaters, 2 Pestigor and 6 Rotters.
There are a host of extras in the kit – 2 turn markers, 2 double-sided score coins in the shape of Nurgle’s icon and 4 balls – 2 of these are being chomped upon by a cheeky Nurgling, and 2 have… something… emerging from them, all gribbly teeth and eldritch horror. Supplied with 12 32mm Blood Bowl bases, a 1,000,000 GP roster and a Nurgle transfer sheet.
The Rotters rose to fame long ago, having the distinction of being one of the earliest Chaos teams on the circuit to dedicate themselves to a single Chaos god – Grandfather Nurgle himself. Their patron was delighted, lavishing gifts and mutations upon his favoured followers. Today, despite numerous recent setbacks, the Rotters stand poised to once again spread their influence across the leagues and tournaments of the world, bringing Nurgle’s blessings to lands far and wide…
This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Blood Bowl Ogre. He comes supplied with a 32mm Blood Bowl round base, featuring a hole to slot the ball into when your miniature has possession.
Able to smash, crash and bash through even the toughest opponents, Ogres provide Human teams with that touch of utter brutality sometimes missing from their rosters. It’s not that the Humans they play alongside are puny, far from it – it’s just that sometimes a wall of linemen needs to be shattered, and an Ogre can get the job done much more quickly, and with much nastier results. It’s just more efficient!
This multipart plastic kit contains all the components you'll need to build the Fire Mountain Gut Busters, an Ogre team for use in games of Blood Bowl, containing 4 Ogres (1 of which can be built as a Runt Punter), and 12 Gnoblars with interchangeable heads!
You'll also find a roster sheet, transfers, 2 turn counters and 2 coins, 4 Ogre-themed balls, and a mix of 14x 25mm Citadel Round bases and 4x 32mm Citadel Round Blood Bowl bases.
Rules for using Ogre teams in your games of Blood Bowl can be found in Blood Bowl – The Official Rules.
Ogres are natural Blood Bowl players, with a long tradition of playing for other teams who can afford to feed them (woe betide the coach who fails to account for their appetite). Ogre teams, however, bring a new level of violence to the game, as their rosters feature not just one or two of these massive brutes, but often 4 of them! Of course, they're also accompanied by a veritable swarm of Gnoblars, tiny greenskin runts who have no natural athletic ability, but enough cunning and wit to know they're supposed to grab the ball from time to time whilst the Ogres are busy pummeling their opponents. Once in a while, the Ogres will give the ball-holders a little kick towards the End Zone, thus scoring some points with a bit of luck.
If you want to play some smashy Blood Bowl, you can do no better than an Ogre team. They play unlike anything else, excelling at deleting the opposing team, one by one, until they can walk the ball across the pitch unopposed. You’ll focus on hiring a handful of Ogres, and the utterly replaceable gnoblars fill out the rest of your slots. Ogres are a blast to play, and a nightmare to go up against.
This multipart plastic kit builds an Old World Alliance team of 15 players for games of Blood Bowl. Using components from the existing Human, Dwarf, and Halfling team sets, you'll be able to build 3 Halfling Hopefuls, 3 Human Linemen, 1 Human Blitzer, 1 Human Thrower, 1 Human Catcher, 3 Dwarf Blockers, 1 Dwarf Runner, 1 Dwarf Blitzer, and 1 Dwarf Troll Slayer. Some of these players include cosmetic options such as different heads to help you customise your own team.
The box also includes six balls, two double-sided Blood Bowl coins, and two turn markers – split evenly between Dwarf and Human designs – and a sheet of Old World Alliance transfers with team logos, numbers, and positionals.
This kit comprises 73 plastic components, and comes with 15x Citadel 32mm Round Bases as well as an Old World Alliance Transfer Sheet. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
The rules to use Old World Alliance teams in your games of Blood Bowl can be found in Blood Bowl – The Official Rules.
Mixed teams are found throughout the Blood Bowl leagues, uniting players from a variety of races and cultures on the pitch. Old World Alliance teams like the Middenheim Maulers are drawn from great cities across the Empire, Estalia, Kislev, and beyond. These bustling streets are packed with cosmopolitan Humans, Dwarfs, and Halflings, ready to be forged into winning teams that are greater than the sum of their parts.
Old World Alliance teams boast a flexible roster of Humans, Dwarfs, and Halflings. Each of these groups brings their own innate talents to the pitch – Human flexibility, Dwarfen toughness, and Halfling, er… greasy slipperiness? Cooking skills? If you're looking to cover classic weaknesses, discover new tactical opportunities, and face fresh challenges of co-operation, look no further than the Old World Alliance.